Stratton FAQ's
Welcome to the Stratton community! Whether you are just beginning your elementary school experience or you are new to Stratton and/or to Arlington, we hope that this information will help you quickly feel at home in our community.
Main office phone #: 781-316-3753
Safe Arrival (absence) phone #: 781-316-3767
PTO Website:
Drop-off and Pick-up
Q: Where do I drop my student off? What time?
A: Students should arrive at the school at 7:55am. Arlington Elementary Schools begin classes promptly at 8:00am. Students should arrive at school at least 5 minutes prior to 8:00am, in order to be in the building and ready to learn when school starts.
Kindergarten students meet and line up in the circle. 1st and 2nd graders line up at the kindergarten door off the blacktop. 3rd grade - 5th grade meet on the blacktop;
Students are expected to be in their classroom ready to begin their day at 8:00am.
If it is raining, snowing, or the temperature is less than 20 degrees, students should go to the following locations:
Kindergarten: cafeteria, 1st - 2nd grade: hallway outside the gym, 3rd grade - 5th grade: downstairs hallway.
Q: What is the procedure for driving my student to school?
A: The parking in the lot is reserved for faculty and staff only. Mountain Avenue can only be accessed from Overlook at drop-off time. Parking is available on the right side of Mountain and Pheasant as well as on side streets.
Q: What do I do if I am late in the morning?
A: If your student arrives at the building at 8:00am or later, please bring them into the office and sign them in.
Q: What time is pick-up? Where do I pick my student up?
A: Students are dismissed at 2:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and at 1:00pm on Wednesday. Kindergarten dismisses to the front circle (same as drop-off). Kindergarten teachers release students through the maroon doors in the kindergarten wing. 1st grade and 2nd grade are dismissed on the blacktop. Students are not permitted to leave without a responsible adult.
3rd grade - 5th Grade is dismissed on their own from the Pheasant Street doors.
Dismissal locations and procedures do not change with rain or extreme cold.
Q: What do I do if I am late in the afternoon?
A: If you are running late for pick-up in the afternoon, please call the main office to let us know. If it is past 2:35pm or 1:05pm (Wednesday’s only), Grades K-2 students will be brought to the office to wait for you. Grades 3-5 students may report to the office as well.
Q: What if I need to dismiss my child from school early?
If you need to dismiss your student from school early, please let the teacher know in advance. When you arrive at the school to pick up, please come into the main office to sign them out, we will then call your student down to the office to be dismissed.
General Questions
Q: Who do I call if my student is sick?
A: You call the "Safe Arrival Line" at 781-316-3767 before 8:30 am. You must call every time your student is going to miss school. This number is also on the school website. Please email your teacher to let them know as well.
Q: What happens if my student does not feel well or is injured while at school?
A: If they get hurt or do not feel well during school, they will be sent to our school nurse, Jen Saulnier. In the event of a serious injury or illness, she will notify you with the contact information you’ve provided to her. If Jen Saulnier notifies you that your student must be picked up early from school, families are responsible for doing so in a timely manner.
Q: What supplies will my student need for school?
A: School supplies are purchased and paid for in advance by the PTO. The PTO will contact families directly regarding pricing and payment methods for reimbursement. Additionally, you will be responsible for providing your student with a backpack and lunchbox.
Q: What happens if my student loses their sweatshirt, gloves, lunchbox, etc. at school?
A: Please clearly label all clothing and lunch boxes. In the event they misplace their belongings, they will be placed in the “Lost and Found” area of the school by the cafeteria.
Q: How can I connect with other families?
A: Attending PTO meetings, volunteering at PTO sponsored events, volunteering in the school, attending monthly coffees or becoming a room parent are excellent ways to meet other families. Additionally, the school hosts a number of school functions throughout the year to help families connect with one another.
Q: How do I find out about school delays/closings?
A: School closings and delays are reported on the Arlington Public School website at and are also on all area TV and radio stations. You will also receive a phone call through the automated phone system.
Snacks and Recess
Q: What is the school's policy about nuts for snacks and lunches?
A: Each morning students have a snack time. Your teacher will notify you about any classroom restrictions based on allergies. All purchased school lunches are nut-free. Students bringing lunch to school may have nuts. There is a nut-free table (friendship table) provided for students with allergies. Students without allergies who would like to sit at the nut free table with a friend must purchase lunch from the school in order to do so.
Q: How long is recess? How many recesses do the students get?
A: All grades have morning recess and a 20 minute recess before lunch. Students must be dressed appropriately for recess. We continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months, weather/temperatures permitting, however students must be dressed in mittens/gloves, boots, hats, scarves and a heavy coat. Additional recess is at the discretion of each teacher.
Q: What are the rain/cold weather policies for school recess? What do the children do if they can’t go outside for recess?
A: If it is raining, snowing, or below 20 degrees, there is no outside recess. Students have indoor recess and are provided with activities in their classrooms.
Q: What if my student forgets their lunch?
A: We will never let a student go without eating. If a student has forgotten their lunch, we can email families or the student can eat a school lunch from the cafeteria.
Q: What is the best way to communicate with my student’s teacher? What is the ‘Home-School’ folder?
A: All students will have a “Home-School'' folder. This folder is used to send work and school notices, and can also be used for you to send in notes to your teacher, etc. Folders should be checked each day and returned to school each morning. Teachers can also be contacted via email.
Q: When are parent-teacher conferences?
A: Teachers hold parent-teacher conferences in December/January. Kindergarten Teachers hold two parent-teacher conferences with families. The first conference is held in December/January and the second is held in March/April.
Q: When are Progress Reports (report cards)?
A: Kindergarten students receive two (2) progress reports, the first in the Fall and the second on the last day of school. Grades 1-5 receive three progress reports; Fall, Winter, and last day of school, for the school year.
Q: Is there a school newsletter?
A: The principal, Mrs. Kelly, sends out frequent emails so please be sure to read it as it includes relevant school information. The Stratton PTO sends out bi-weekly email updates that contain information on what is happening in each grade, in specialist classes such as Art, Music, Library, Gym, and activities with the PTO. Teachers communicate with parents via weekly newsletters, daily Instagram posts, blog/website, and emails as needed.
Q: How do I get added to the school email distribution list?
A: Please be sure your contact information is updated in your PowerSchool Parent Portal account. This is the contact information used for electronic school communications. Most school announcements have gone paperless and this is the only way you will receive notices. Due to the desire to reduce the amount of paper sent home, this list is used frequently to communicate upcoming school programs and other school related news and business.
To sign up for the PTO Directory:
Go to
Once you’ve created a login you may enter your family’s information. There are tabs at the top of the page for “Email Lists Parent”.
Q: How do I get involved with Stratton?
A: Parent/guardian involvement is key to a successful school year and there are many ways for you to be involved. Below are lists of groups that would love to hear from you.
Room Representatives and Classroom Volunteers
Contact your teacher to volunteer in your student’s classroom.
Room Representatives act as a liaison between classroom teachers and the parents/guardians in the class. Each class typically has two individuals who work with teachers to find volunteers for classroom celebrations, field trips, etc.
If you are not able to volunteer during the school day, but still want to help, contact your teacher for possible “at home” projects.
The Library is a great place to volunteer, either when your student’s class visits or at any other time. We can always use help checking books in or out, and re-shelving them, but there are other ways to help out too. Our beautiful new books need to be covered with protective plastic before we can put them into circulation. The younger grades especially love extra help in selecting books or being read to. Please contact Christine Collins at [email protected]
Lunch Room and Recess Monitor
Stratton is always in need of lunch and recess volunteers to help monitor the playground and in the lunchroom. If you are free to help during the hours of 10:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., please contact the school at (781) 316-3753. This can be a daily, weekly, monthly or occasional commitment.
Stratton Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The PTO runs various community, social, enrichment, and fundraising events each year. The PTO also supplements the resources available to the school and our teachers. Enrichment is fully funded through the PTO. The PTO meets in the evening every month and all are welcome to attend.
Q: If I’m going to be helping in the school do I need to sign anything?
A: The school office has the paperwork for the CORI background checks required for volunteering at the school. You must submit the CORI in person to a school staff member and provide a photo ID. Thereafter, each time you come in to volunteer, you will ring the bell at the front door and be buzzed in. On the desk in the office there is a visitor sign in and there are large red stickers for you to wear while you are in the building.
Q: I’d like to budget my support. How often are fundraisers held?
A: The PTO holds a few fundraisers including the Annual Drive. Be sure to look for PTO emails for ways to support Stratton School.
Fall School Events
Q: Is there a Welcome event in the fall?
A: There is typically some sort of social in the fall either right before school starts or shortly thereafter. The date of the social will be publicized by the PTO.
Q: What is Curriculum Night?
A: In late September/early October, Curriculum Night is scheduled for parents, guardians and teachers. During the evening, your teacher will review the goals and curriculum for the coming school year. Parents/guardians are highly encouraged to attend and ask questions. These sessions are an excellent way for you to get to know the teachers in your grade, and to understand the curriculum vocabulary they use at school (and you can use at home). This is an adult only event and students are not invited to attend. Thank you for your understanding.
Q: School Picture Day
A: Individual school pictures and class pictures and are taken in the fall. Information and prices will be sent home during the first few weeks of school. If your student is sick, we always schedule a picture retake day approximately one month after the original day for just such occasions.